This historic city is also one of the most beautiful in the US. It is constructed so that multiple parks are joined by a boulevard running out from it’s center.
Savannah is just georgous. I present here many of the gardens, the parks open to the public, the churches, the magnificent plant growth, in no particular order. This is a city that must be seen to be appreciated.
I am presenting here some of the unique architecture in the buildings, wrought iron, churches and gardens. One could spend days photographing all that one could see. There are over 8 of these huge public gardens, complete with statues of past heros. Of course, one could take the horse drawn carriage to see the city. On another trip, Cathy and I did that, and maybe if I run out of things to post (! ha) I will do another series on Savannah. And lastly, there is a really great beach, so I threw in one beach shot!